Before you shop for appliances, before you hire a contractor—in fact, before any other part of your kitchen remodel, you want to estimate the cost of your project and develop a budget. The pie chart below shows how one remodel budget was distributed.

Breakdown of One Kitchen Remodel Project Budget

Remodel Costs as a Percentage of Home Value

The cost of your remodel will depend on several factors, including the extent of your project. If you are moving walls, electrical and plumbing, budget 16% of your home’s value. For a home valued at $250,000 that would be $40,000. If you are just replacing cabinets, flooring, appliances and countertops, it will be less.

Each project is unique, however, and with creativity, flexibility and some home-grown labor, you can trim costs and get higher-than-average value for your investment.

Here Are Some Ways to Trim Costs:

Shop smart. Start early and take your time to find bargains. Research products so you can evaluate quality. Check out online stores and discount outlets when buying appliances and cabinets. Buy in-stock merchandise. Watch for fall appliance sales. See if a local countertop supplier has something sitting around ready for markdown. Get a personalized quote on semi-custom cabinets at CliqStudios discount prices.

Be flexible. Find a countertop you like, then look for a similar material on closeout. Be willing to adjust your schedule around a contractor’s to get the best bid.

Get free services. CliqStudios offers free professional design services. Let your designer know that cost is a priority. Lighting, appliance, tile and countertop stores can be valuable sources of advice.

Do-it-yourself and barter. No skills? Can you handle to tear-out and painting and cleanup? (A caution here—don’t take on plumbing, carpentry or electrical work unless you are confident you can produce a good-quality job.) Do you know someone with remodel skills? Consider trading a service you can offer, such as yardwork, pet care or childcare, for carpentry or plumbing.

Do you have any tips on cutting remodel costs? Share with our readers.