Have you ever visited a friend and weren’t able to set your toothbrush or toothpaste down anywhere but on the closed toilet lid? Sure, we’ve all been there and realized that there’s no place for towels in pedestal sinks and no room for cosmetics if there’s a bar of soap on the sink top. Here are a few points of failure that can be turned around in bathroom design:

A Place For Everything

Add a small side table, stool, or bathroom cabinets tucked under the sink for guests. Women need to put down their purses to pull out a few things, and everyone needs a clean towel somewhere near by.

Personal Items Tucked Away

No one wants to know what brand of mouthwash you use or that you keep your electric razor charged. Put these items away where they won’t gather dust or remind us of our next dental check up.

Double Check For Those Dust Bunnies

You know those little dust balls that seem to hide under the toilet or next to the tub? They can go unnoticed to the busy homeowner, so double check to make sure the floors and corners are clean.

Hide Your Cleaning Solutions

Take a nice clean bucket and place all your cleaning tools and products inside. The bucket becomes a handy carrier for all your supplies.

Keep Fresh Towels Handy

Nobody likes using a dirty or stained towel. Retire your old towels to your cleaning supplies, or donate them to animal rescue – they really need them. Keep a fresh supply of clean hand towels nearby so your guests don’t have to keep using the wet one.

Ditto on the Toilet paper

Save your guest the embarrassment of coming out to tell you that they are out of toilet paper. Place an extra roll on the back of the toilet or a couple of rolls in a lidded basket either on the floor or on your counter top.