Many people today are being extremely cost-conscious. one might even wonder if this is having an effect on the size and focus of new kitchens and kitchen remodels. A Professional Builder magazine reader survey explored this question. Here’s what they found.

Are kitchens becoming smaller?

Surprisingly, on average, new kitchens are not becoming smaller. 64.1% of readers surveyed said that kitchen size has not changed at all during the last two years. 12.4% of readers said they have downsized their kitchen plans. While 23.5% said they’ve increased the size of their kitchens in the past two years.

Meanwhile, the average size and focus of new homes in the United States continues to shrink. Originally 2,521 square feet in 2007, average size has shrunk to to 2,377 square feet in 2010. The kitchen, however, is not being affected according to the Professional Builder survey.

Dual-User Kitchens

A massive fridge holds more food for a growing family.

Another interesting kitchen trend highlighted in the survey is the emphasis on dual-user kitchens. Many couples and families focus on building kitchens that function with two or more users at a time. This explains why kitchens are actually becoming bigger rather than smaller.

As the baby boom generation continues to age, more and more families are adding elderly members back into their households. Now, universal design has also become a strong trend. Families want a kitchen that is accessible and can hold more people than before. Read more about CliqStudios tips on a perfect kitchen design for entertaining. Looking forward into the next decade, homeowners are asking whether their family can age comfortably in their new home as it is designed today.